Presenting Mrs. Taylor's Kindergarten Class Blog!

Follow our Reggio Emilia Inspired class to see what students are learning at Prince Edward School. Visit often, borrow ideas to enhance your learning at home, and most importantly discuss with your child their -- PLAYFUL LEARNING, EXPLORATIONS and DISCOVERIES at school!!!

Monday 15 October 2012

A day in the life of a PLAY BASED PROGRAM


Every morning we start the day off with Outdoor Learning
This provides students with the opportunity to share with their friends and teachers events that may have occurred the previous night.  Since the children are required to go outside twice a day, having Outdoor Learning time in the morning creates less transition time during the winter months. The cold weather has arrived.  Please dress your child appropriately (winter coats, hats, mittens and boots when needed).

Students enter the classroom and follow the same routine every day: hand in notes/notetotes, put their lunch pail in snack container and sign in by answering the question of the day. 

Circle Time

Learning circles are only 15 minutes in length.  Fifteen minutes is age appropriate for students to be able to sit quietly and engaged in the activity. 
Learning Centres
All centres are open.  Students plan and self regulate where they want to learn.  A snack table is open from 10:00 am till 12:20 pm for students to eat with their friends.  They know to eat their sandwiches and healthy food first. 

Clean Up
Students are expected to tidy up throughout centre time when they are travelling from one area to the next.  When the music plays all students participate in cleaning the whole room.

2nd Learning Circle

Outdoor Learning
2nd Nutritional Break
All students sit and finish their lunches with Mrs. Wood (our class lunch aid).

Dance and Movement

Learning Centres

Sharing/ Reflection Circle
Students sign up throughout the day to share items they have created, stories they want to tell, or to talk about some new learning.

Home Time
For students to depart safely, they are to exit the classroom and wait against the wall until a  teacher calls their name.   At this point, they may run to the guardian picking them up.